About Us
Saratoga Driving Association is a community of individuals and families that enjoy all aspects of driving horses and other equines in all different sizes. Formerly we were a very small club, where no one knew how to get started or where to get equipment or instruction. Most driving was related to the different breeds and then only a small part of the breed shows were about driving.
Times have changed and while horses in harness remains only a limited aspect of equestrian sports, our numbers have grown dramatically. The Saratoga Driving Association has encouraged the growth of a community interested in driving. By engaging speakers, trainers, and holding competitions the club has increased the awareness and enjoyment of driving in this area.
Some members are Combined Driving enthusiasts, some prefer Pleasure Drives in the country, some have a commercial interest. Some members are young…others are not. Some equines have long ears, and others have little bitty ears that fit in your hand. Some are green, and some are polished veterans, and some are famous with magazine covers, television commercials, and a fan club to their credit.
Each February we hold the Get Ready for Spring – Mid Winter Driving Conference where a variety of speakers share information with drivers and friends from all over New England, New York and New Jersey. Speakers and audience members have many opportunities to share questions, meet with each other, and make friends so that when they meet on the trail or at a show, they will see a friendly face.
Not all of our members are active drivers. Some enjoy participating with us, or are interested in carriages, and enjoy the driving community and its activities. We are mostly located in the counties around Albany, New York, though some of our members live in other areas of New York (like Plattsburg and Cherry Valley) and in other states like Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, and New Hampshire.
The growth of our organization has allowed us to plan and maintain a year-round calendar of events, including an annual driving conference, pleasure drives, clinics with well-known trainers, and an annual horse driving trial. Our Board of Directors actively seeks input from all members in the club and is always seeking new ideas and new places to drive. We are always seeking new members who share our desire to learn about and promote carriage driving, whether they are novices or seasoned competitors.
We are governed by Officers and a Board of Directors elected at the Annual meeting held in the beginning of November each year. There are four officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and four Board members.